Bridging to BSC
D3 Protocol is on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). If you are not already on BSC and would like to participate in the D3 Protocol ecosystem, you will need to bridge assets to BSC. First you will need a wallet that is compatible with BSC. D3 Protocol supports Wallet Connect (multiple wallet options), and MetaMask.
MetaMask and Trust Wallet are two of the most popular and secure wallets to use on BSC. You can find a guide for setting up MetaMask and connecting to BSC here. You can find a guide for setting up Trust Wallet and connecting to BSC here. You will then need to add funds to your wallet in order to interact with the D3 Protocol.
You can purchase BUSD on BNB and send it to your wallet (making sure to withdraw via the BSC network). You can also send existing tokens that you own on another chain to BSC, by using a token bridge: we recommend the EVOdefi token bridge found here. You then follow these simple steps to move your assets to BSC:
Connect your wallet on the EVOdefi token bridge website
Select the chain you are sending from (in this example we have used Ethereum)
Select BSC as the chain that you wish to send assets to
Select the token you wish to bridge (from Ethereum you can bridge ETH, USDC, USDT)
Enter the recipient address (your BSC address where you wish to receive the tokens)
Enter the amount you wish to bridge (note that there is a 0.5% fee)
Press the send button, confirm the transaction and wait to receive your tokens on BSC
You will need to have the correct token on the source chain (on Ethereum that includes ETH, USDC, or USDT). If you do now you will first need to do a swap on Ethereum to acquire an appropriate token. Once on BSC you can use your tokens to interact directly with D3 Protocol, or first convert to BUSD or BNB depending on your personal preference.
Last updated